Tue, 09.09.08
right to vote
Truthout reports possible manipulation of voter registration in Ohio: mailings with notices about absentee ballot applications and related important information might be “returned to sender” faster than usual. This is disturbing, also in light of the disturbing report by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s on the 2004 election in Ohio.
Poignantly, an Anonymous reader at truthout shared the following:
Memories ! This essay takes me back to August 1934 in Germany, when I was an almost 14-year old boy listening from a concealed place in the basemewnt of our schoolhouse to Nazi Storm-Troopers “counting” the ballots in the then “plebiscite” engendered by Hitler to overcome the strictures of the then German “Weimar” Constitution. I heard one Storm trooper tell his underlings that “We have to make it come out so that there will be fourteen “NO” votes, because that’s how many Jews voted today”. And that is how it came out, of course. When I told a Jewish neighbor what I had heard, he smiled sardonically and said, “I knew they would do something like that, so I voted for Hitler, just to prove it”.
The Ohio story and others like it always remind me of that long-ago fatal time. And what are the “legal” dodges we are up against now in this “land of the free and the home of the brave “?