Wed, 17.09.08
perspectives on the para-olympics
The Austrian Daily Der Standard reports on the positive effect of the Para-Olympics in creating awareness about the rights of persons with disabilities in China. In March the first report on the situation of persons with disabilities was discussed by the government. Interestingly the article quotes that 83 Millionen persons with disabilities live in China, a number that seems low given that the WHO – World Health Organization – estimates that at least 10% of every population have a disability and that poverty is a major source of disabilities.
The government has also passed amendments to the Chinese Disability Act and adopted the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A Professor at Renda University, Zheng Gongcheng is quoted as saying that these changes would not have been possible at this speed without the Para-Olympics.
Compare, however a report in the Süddeutsche Zeitung, which documents the impossibility of interviewing persons with disabilities in rural China despite promises to grant full access for journalists.